— Awaken to the christ within

Services to Inspire, Uplift, Teach

Our spiritual masters and instructors will guide you to discover your strengths, weaknesses, and spiritual purpose as you learn how to discern any obstacle in life to find opportunities. All services aim to help you rekindle your relationship with Source-God and awaken your Christ Heart on your path of spiritual self-realization. Start your journey towards Whole Life Fulfillment.


Years of Spiritual experience
— About us

We want to awaken fellow Master-Students to walk with us. 

Our philosophy aims to raise Masters who view themselves as Master-Students, dedicated to continual learning, self-realization, and limitless growth. The world does not need more people who think they know it all. Growth only happens when there is a gap, when one realizes they don't know everything and are open to letting life be the teacher as their path continuously unfolds. We live as a reflection of Source-God, circumventing our egos, so that we can manifest fulfillment in every part of our life. We only become masters of our basic foundational techniques, not of dogma, so that we are free to look upon every obstacle as an opportunity to Learn, Change, and Grow. Keeping fresh eyes, free from expectation, keeps us in a state of innocence and allows our path to unfold without the effort involved of trying to force things to happen. Just being in the presence of some of our higher level students and masters will change your outlook as you gain insight, perspective, and resonate with higher energy. When the student is ready, the Master will appear. We are just waiting for you to join us. 
  • Weekly Sermons
  • Angelic Resonances
  • Study from anywhere
  • Limitless Growth
— Our Vision

We are here to create new possibilities

We aim to create a new paradigm where we awaken to the Christ Awareness within each of us and begin to reflect Source-God in our life to manifest Whole Life Fulfillment. Our Services offer various ways to support your spiritual journey and address issues that may come up in your path.

Online courses

 We provide online courses that prepares everyone for the real world. We move beyond a love and light mentality to encompass the truth of the spiritual world and all of its inhabitants. Learn to become a Spiritual Amabassador while honing your gift of discernment and Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Healing Circle

Our Master Teachers facilitate faith healing. In a virtual group environment, you will hold space with ascended energy that flows to the areas needed for spiritual healing and resolve for various issues. Sessions are quick and do not require physical touch. Experience the Touch of God in these monthly sessions.

Webinars/Small Groups

Our small groups include book clubs, movie watching groups, and group journeying clubs to facilitate real world application of the spiritual concepts our students learn in our courses and apprenticeship path. Sessions will be announced as they are available.
By application only

Advanced Mystery School

The most devout and serious students who put their spiritual path above all else are welcome to apply to our Mystery Seminary School. The curriculum is full of direct interaction with spirits, psychic defense and resolve, spiritual ascension techniques, ET interaction, and angelic journeying experiences. Because of the intensity of the experience, there are stringent stipulations to make sure students are ready for the mental, physical, and emotional toll this will exact on them as they will be engaged by the spirit realm 24/7 after piercing the veil.
  • Learn how to accurately discern for truth with any source 
  • Prepare for an apprenticeship with the Angel of Death to break the reincarnation cycle
  • Journey with the kingdoms of consciousness to climb Jacob's Ladder on your way back to Source
  • Learn how to accurately self-diagnose psychic attack and emotional toxicity symptoms and facilitate resolve
  • Learn how to access and unlock your own akashic records for spiritual growth and walk-in experiences.

Direct Apprenticeship

Learn from a master

Weekly Sunday Service
3pm PST

Each week, tune in for words of wisdom relevant to the issues we are all facing today. After the sermon, open your heart and take part in a guided journey experience to feel the resonance of ascended masters and angels. Uplift your spirit and renew your faith with the knowlege that you are being shepherded and watched-over by the messengers of God. 
Write your awesome label here.
Life changing service

Saint Joseph's
Aura Protection Blessing Service

This Blessing Service is reserved for our devout followers who have completed foundational coursework. These students are more inclined to unerstand the privilege associated with having access to the energy of an ascended master flowing through you and around you 24./7.  Exposure to this energy will uplift your life to a place of positive synchronisity, meditative bliss, and a high level of inner peace. As like attracts like, it will natrually invite more ascended and positive energy into your life while repelling more negative energy and negative law of attraction. Because of the high level of energy exposure on this service, it is available by approval only.
— Support Your Christ Awakening

Other Services (Coming Soon)

In addition to our sermons, small groups, healing services, and courses, we provide additional services to fuel your inner spirit and awaken your connection to your higher self for empowerment and clarity.
— Christ Heart yoga
Write your awesome label here.
— sound resonance meditation
Write your awesome label here.
— Our courses

Education & course content highlights

All of our courses take place virtually with live sessions each unit to compliment an assortment of written material, assigned movies and other coursework, discussions, and techniques. Each unit builds on the information covered in the prior course. If you have questions on which class to take first or what is included in each, tune in for our Q&A sessions at the conclusion of our weekly sermons.

New Resources Page Coming Soon for More Information

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