We want to awaken fellow Master-Students to walk with us.
We are here to create new possibilities
We aim to create a new paradigm where we awaken to the Christ Awareness within each of us and begin to reflect Source-God in our life to manifest Whole Life Fulfillment. Our Services offer various ways to support your spiritual journey and address issues that may come up in your path.
Online courses
We provide online courses that prepares everyone for the real world. We move beyond a love and light mentality to encompass the truth of the spiritual world and all of its inhabitants. Learn to become a Spiritual Amabassador while honing your gift of discernment and Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Healing Circle
Our Master Teachers facilitate faith healing. In a virtual group environment, you will hold space with ascended energy that flows to the areas needed for spiritual healing and resolve for various issues. Sessions are quick and do not require physical touch. Experience the Touch of God in these monthly sessions.
Webinars/Small Groups
Our small groups include book clubs, movie watching groups, and group journeying clubs to facilitate real world application of the spiritual concepts our students learn in our courses and apprenticeship path. Sessions will be announced as they are available.
Advanced Mystery School
Weekly Sunday Service
3pm PST
Each week, tune in for words of wisdom relevant to the issues we are all facing today. After the sermon, open your heart and take part in a guided journey experience to feel the resonance of ascended masters and angels. Uplift your spirit and renew your faith with the knowlege that you are being shepherded and watched-over by the messengers of God.
Life changing service
Saint Joseph's
Aura Protection Blessing Service
This Blessing Service is reserved for our devout followers who have completed foundational coursework. These students are more inclined to unerstand the privilege associated with having access to the energy of an ascended master flowing through you and around you 24./7. Exposure to this energy will uplift your life to a place of positive synchronisity, meditative bliss, and a high level of inner peace. As like attracts like, it will natrually invite more ascended and positive energy into your life while repelling more negative energy and negative law of attraction. Because of the high level of energy exposure on this service, it is available by approval only.